floods of love…

“When the enemy shall come in like a flood, the spirit of the Lord shall lift up a standard against him.” Isaiah

floods of Love.

flooded with the floods of Love…encircled, engulfed, carried in the surging soaring currents of divine Love’s loving–right where the floods of anything else may seem to be, right there…right there…Love’s centre and circumference, centering, sheltering, a showering of promise, praise and peace. divine Mother Love holding each of us so tenderly, rooting and grounding us in strength, clarity, purity, poise, grace.

“Where the floods of trouble flow/ Find Thy perfect, calm reflection.” Edith Brewer

“What if the old dragon should send forth a new flood to drown the Christ-idea? He can neither drown your voice with its roar, nor again sink the world into the deep waters of chaos and old night.”  Mary Baker Eddy, Science and Health

“Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it.” Song of Solomon

right here. right wherever we are…here…Love knows us, face to face.  deep in  pools of light, bottomless love…there, there, here, flooding out the floods of night.

“More glorious still, as centuries roll,
New regions blest, new powers unfurled,
So Truth reveals the perfect whole,
Its radiance shall o’erflow the world, —

Shall flow to bless but not destroy;
As when the cloudless lamp of day
Pours out its floods of light and joy,
And sweeps the lingering mist away.”

John Bowring

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