spiritual healing

Why spiritual, Christian Science, healing?

Spiritual healing is always about coming home to who we already are. It’s a built-in, powerful tool always at hand. It belongs to us no matter what our religious, cultural, racial, political, sexual affiliation, orientation may be. It has to do with the very essence and substance of being, and is ALWAYS available and at hand. Call it a divine under-current, spiritual life-force, intuition, authenticity, core of truth; we all have it, and it is calling out to be heard.

Yielding to and being conscious of it can change things in a moment.

Every advance taking place in the world comes from a shift in thought, a dawning of possibilities, a new realization.

Nineteenth century healer and spiritual pioneer Mary Baker Eddy put it this way:

“Every step of progress is a step more spiritual.”
“The People’s Idea of God”, Mary Baker Eddy, p. 1

Her discoveries confirmed the practicality of the teaching and healing work of Christ Jesus. They point us to the inevitability, simplicity, power and immediacy of life lived from a scientifically spiritual standpoint—what happens as we recognize God’s infinite goodness as the source of all being.

Mary Baker Eddy’s book Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures explores and explains the natural significance of scientific spirituality — showing us how we can prove for ourselves the Science of spiritual healing. Purchase “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” here

No matter what you’re dealing with in your life, the answer at its core is always spiritual. There isn’t anything that can’t be healed. No matter what you’re facing in life, how ever complex or long-standing — physical, mental, or emotional — there is an answer right now, waiting to be discovered.

There has been no greater joy in my life than helping others find healing — working with people all over the world. It’s awe-inspiring and natural to experience the impact of spiritual truth on our lives.

If you’d like to know more, and if I can be of help to you in any way, please feel free to be in touch. No prior experience necessary. All communication is completely confidential.