carving out this moment
to the core of a hush
an anchored pause
a landed rest
even where worlds rush, converge
a breath
a light
a peace
we are
a harvest
hearts, fields resounding
songs of stillness
Still, still with Thee when purple morning breaketh,
When the bird waketh, and the shadows flee,
Fairer than morning, lovelier than the daylight,
Dawns the sweet consciousness, I am with Thee.Alone with Thee, amid the changing shadows,
Solemn the hush of nature, newly born;
Alone with Thee, in breathless adoration,
In the calm dew and freshness of the morn.So shall it ever be in the bright morning,
When hearts awaking see the shadows flee,
O, in that hour, and fairer than the dawning,
Rises the glorious thought, I am with Thee.Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Be still and know that I am God” …and… “when I awake, I am still with thee.” Psalms 46 and 139
“The best spiritual type of Christly method for uplifting human thought and imparting divine Truth, is stationary power, stillness, and strength; and when this spiritual ideal is made our own, it becomes the model for human action.” Mary Baker Eddy
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